Silverdale Pistol Club Est 1996

Silverdale Pistol Club is an outdoor pistol range and was established in 1996, and is located on Avoca road, Silverdale on the outskirts of Sydney N.S.W. Australia. We shoot a wide variety of Pistol matches including ISSF, Service, WA1500, NRA Action Pistol, Field Pistol, Silhouette and Single, Pioneer, Federation & Wild Bunch Action matches, monthly on a rotating calendar. New members undertake an induction and instructional program under the watchful eyes of our experienced team of Instructors. Our members take part in Local and State title matches and we have a few members that have represented SPC at a State Level. SPC is affiliated with the New South Wales Amateur Pistol Association.
If your looking for a safe, fun, family orientated sport and love the outdoors you need to come to the SSAA Silverdale Range and try pistol shooting.
Download the Silverdale Pistol Club Calendar 2024-25 comp year.
ISSF Match
Third Saturday & Forth Friday of each Month. (subject to change pending range requirements).
Friday February 28th 2024, 9am
Rapid Fire (Rimfire).
Saturday Match 15th, 2024, 9am
25m Service (Centre Fire
Friday March 28th 2024, 9am
25m Service (Centre Fire).
Service Match
Third Saturday of each Month. (subject to change pending range requirements).
Match: CDS 3 Range Core
(36 Rounds)
NRA Action Pistol,
(48 Rounds per stage)
Saturday March 15th, 2024,, 11.30am
(Centre Fire) & (Class 4 Rimfire).
Level 2 Holster Course Available max 5. See members only area and book with Dan.
Field Pistol
Third Saturday of each Month. (subject to change pending range requirements).
Match; Silhouette.
Field Pistol & Small Bore Metallic Silhouette, Large Caliber Approved Match
Friday February 28th 2024, 9am
Saturday March 15th, 2024, 9am
Friday March28th 2024, 9am
Pioneer Shooting & Wild Bunch
Bushranger Creek Bunch
Second Sunday of Each Month. (subject to change pending range requirements).
Must be there 8am to register and help set up the range.
Match; Pioneer Shooting.
Sunday March 9th 2024, 9am
Match; Federation Match.
Sunday March 9th 2024, 9am
Mid Week
Service Match
Tuesday, TBA 2023, 10am
CSD 3R Core (36 Rounds)
Training related to service 100+ rounds
Level 2 Holster Course Available max 5. See members only area and book with Dan.
Black Powder
Forth Saturday Comp & Third Saturday Practice of each Month. (subject to change pending
range requirements).
Match; International Pistol (25m)
International Rifle (50m)
Demi-Cannon (50m)
Saturday February 22nd, 2024, 9am
Saturday March 15th 2024, 2pm
After pistol all matches are completed
Saturday March 22nd, 2024, 9am
Federation match
Members of the past few years I have been working on a new match similar to wild bunch, that will allow the use of more semi automatic pistol rather than just a 1911a1 in 45ACP. The new match was approved at SSAANSW in January and will now be shot replacing Wild Bunch. This match allows the use of any semi automatic pistol that was in production prior to the onset of WW2 (1939). The match will be shot for the first time ever at Silverdale Pistol club on the 10th of March and will also be shot at this years State titles in Mudgee. See you at the range Dan R President 18/2
AGM 2024 - July 20th
Thanks to James from The Oaks Butcher for sponsoring
Dan R President. 20/7
New Membership & Renewals
Membership renewals due by October 31st
Please contact us to be added to the waiting list.
Dan R President 21/9
Holster Course (Level 1 & 2) available for members at no cost. There is a criteria to be met first Check the members only area for details.
Contact Dan for further information and availability.
Dan R President.
Shirt Order
Shirt orders closed
Dan R President 19/10
Check the Silverdale Range, SSAA Sydney Facebook page for up-to date information.
PTA's - Now On Line.
If your applying for a PTA, Please send Mike an Email so he can process the Pistol Club requirements. If we don't receive an email we may not process your PTA. When we receive them form FAR they have a License number not a name, so your assistance is required for timely processing. Please send the following details. Name, License/Permit Number, Club Number, Discipline you require the firearms for, i.e. Single Action, Field Pistol, ISSF and Centre Fire or Rimfire.
Regards Dan R President.
Pistol Coaching
The Committee will be organising a Pistol Coaching course for September or October 2024, it will be mid week. If your interested please email the club so I know what numbers we are looking at. A time and date will be arranged once I have the numbers. You will need around 300 rounds of ammo. The course is free to members.
An intermediate Marksmanship course is also being considered there will be a small fee to members. The course has been designed to assist those who shoot service pistol, Shooters will be required to complete the level 2 holster course prior. If you are interested in either course let me know.
Regards, Daniel R President. 15/7.
No current order, due to our previous supplier cancelling our order and selling there machines interstate. If you know of anyone in Sydney that is making projectiles let us know.
Daniel R, President 1/7
We have added a members only page on our Facebook site, (Silverdale pistol club members only). We will provide comp details and other information on this secure page. You will need to provide your name and club number.
Members only log in page to the web site, this will allow you to see score and other information we would not allow non members to read. Have a look at the top for the log in and join. Please send me an email with your name and club number so I can approve you application. I may not recognize your email address. If you have any suggestions on what else could be on these pages let me know, maybe a for sale page, all suggestions welcome.
Regards; Daniel R President.
Firearms registry now online.
FAR is now online, see the link on the membership page.
# Licence Applications
# Licence Renewals
# Permit to Acquire
# Change of Address
Recent changes to Legislation;
For up to date legislation Please visit:

Daniel, R
Phillip, E
Peter, G
Marc, L
Syd, L 25 Year Medal
Alex, M
Leon, M
on your 20 year's with Silverdale pistol club
Norm, P 15 Years
Barry, P 15 Years
Neville, S 15 Years
Chris, D 15 Years
Barry, F 15 Years
Mike,W 15 Years
Anthony, G 10 Years
Garry, T 10 Years
Kerry, W 10 Years
Mark, G 10 Years
Jakeb, G 10 Years
Graham, G 10 Years
Contact Us >>
Address; 395 Avoca Road, Sliverdale, New, South, Wales, 2752
Ph; 4653 1440
Fax; 4653 1440
E mail;
Macarthur Trophies
Many thanks to Julie from Macarthur Trophies who supplied our trophies. They look great.
Ph; 02 4648 5777