Silverdale Pistol Club Est 1996

.22 Metalic Silhouette Rifle Match

Rimfire Metalic Silhouette
Due to infrastructure damage from the floods, Silhouette is not available at Silverdale at the moment. Please check with Range management prior to attending.
Rimfire Metallic Silhouette is shot on the 4th Sunday of Each Month from 9.00am to 12.00pm when the range is handed over to Lever Action Rifle. Check the Calendar for Match dates.
Rifle Metallic Silhouette is an air, rimfire, centrefire, service and black powder rifle shooting discipline where competitors aim to knock down metal animal-shaped targets. The targets are placed on steel stands in banks of five and set at a variety of known distances, with the competitors having a certain amount of time to knock as many down as they can. The various competitions are shot from a range of distance and positions, depending on the firearm calibre and category, but all competitions aim to improve hunting marksmanship skills under range conditions.