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Sliverdale Pistol Club Est 1996.

Welcome to Bush Range Creek, 


The Bush Ranger Creek bunch have been holding up stage coaches and cattle rustling since 1996. Previously led by the notorious JONES and now by a new Captain Angel Eyes the gang has become more daring and deadly than ever before. Bring your Rifle, Shot gun and Pistols and help us hunt them down.


At Silverdale Pistol Club we shoot both Pioneer Action and Single Action matches. Each year we send a small bunch of outlaws to the Mudgee muster.


Pioneer Action


Pioneer Action matches are similar to the well-known Single and Western Action matches shot all around the world, except for some differences, which are applied to make the match representative of the early colonial days in Australia (1850 to 1901).


Firearms are of a similar type except that only one pistol is used in the main scenarios. Rifles are usually the standard type of pistol-caliber lever-actions as used in Single Action matches, with a choice of Martini single-shot and black powder muzzle loaders allowable in some scenarios. Shotguns range from single-shot lever-actions to short-coach guns typical of the era. Black and nitro powders are equally used throughout the entire range of firearms.


Semi-automatic Pistols made prior to 1915 such as the Colt 1911, Luger, Mauser, Webley and Browning HP can be used in stages and side matches similar to the Wild Bunch Match.


The clothing is generally similar to Single and Western Action garb, with some well-dressed shooters posing as early English police, bush-rangers, workers, preachers, and poachers  of colonial Australia.


Single Action


Single Action Shooting (SASS) is sometimes referred to as a concept shooting discipline. Having evolved more than 25 years ago in the USA, SASS has grown into one of, if not the, fastest growing shooting competitions in the world today. SSAA Single Action Shooting - Australia is affiliated with the world governing body SASS - Single Action Shooting Society.


Matches are conducted using the International Rules of Single Action Shooting as promulgated by SASS.


The firearms used today are single action revolvers, lever action rifles and side-by-side shotguns without automatic ejectors. Essentially, the firearms and calibers used in competition are those commonly in use in the 19th century up until 1896.


Wild Bunch Action Shooting


Wild Bunch Action Shooting shares similarities to SASS Action Shooting. However, there are some notable differences. The match uses semi-automatic 1911 Pistols in .45 acp, Lever Action Rifles chambered for pistol caliber of .40 and above, and model 1897 12ga. Pump Shotguns. Sanctioned matches are designed specifically to provide stage scenarios which incorporate down range as well as lateral movement, more pistol and shotgun rounds fired per stage and a variety of reactive targets such as plate racks, dueling trees, moving targets and rifle/pistol knockdown targets as well. The Match is a dynamic, fun, fast paced action shooting sport designed for the shooter. 






Sunday, Bushranger Creek Bunch 



























Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action

Single Action



Single Action Results - Top 10


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