Silverdale Pistol Club Est 1996

WA 1500
World Association 1500 is the only Service discipline that has a World Championship. WA1500 is graded so competitors have the opportunity to shoot against people with similar ability. WA1500 is 150 shot course of fire over distances of 7, 15, 25 and 50 yards. The imperial measurements are generally used as the match has evolved from the NRA of America Precision Pistol Course (PPC) rule book.
The match is shot over the distances mentioned using two hands from the positions of prone, sitting, kneeling, free standing and also from the right and left sides of barricades. All courses of fire are timed.
The match is suited for either revolver or self loading pistols but there are restrictions on specifications regarding length of barrel, trigger pull weight, no optical sights, sighting radius, no compensators etc. Revolvers must be of a minimum calibre of .32 and self loading pistols a minimum of .35. Australian Law prohibits the use of any calibre greater than .38. In Australia, Pistol Australia are the governing body for WA1500 matches.
The match is suited for either revolver or self loading pistols but there are restrictions on specifications regarding length of barrel, trigger pull weight, no optical sights, sighting radius, no compensators etc. Revolvers must be of a minimum calibre of .32 and self loading pistols a minimum of .35. Australian Law prohibits the use of any calibre greater than .38.
WA1500 is a holster match and as such, a Pistol Australia holster qualification is required to fully compete in this match. Holster courses are conducted by training officers of the Silverdale Pistol Club and a proficiency card is issued on completion of the course.
Open Match
A revolver chambered to fire center-fire cartridges .32 caliber or larger.
A center-fire semi-automatic pistol of .35 caliber or larger, including 9mm and 38 super.
Optical or electronic, fixed or adjustable. Front sight may not extend beyond the muzzle.
If the revolver has single-action capability the single action trigger pull must be at least 2 1⁄2 lbs. A Trigger stop is allowed. Trigger pull of a pistol not less than 3 lbs. (1360 g) single action or for those of double action capability only.
Distinguished Revolver Match
A revolver capable of chambering and firing standard 158 grain lead, .38 special load.
All revolvers shall use Double action on every stage except on 50 yards/meters were single action is allowed. It must be a factory manufactured revolver with no external modifications. No external or internal modifications may be made to the revolver as manufactured and sold by the factory of origin. Except as provided for below no parts may be removed from the revolver, either externally or internally, nor may any be added. Barrel length not to exceed 6 inches (153 mm).
Fixed or adjustable rear sights may be used, as delivered by the original manufacture. An adjustable front sight is not allowed.
Must have single and double action capability and must be capable of lifting 2 1⁄2 lbs. when firearm is cocked for single action firing. Triggers will be weighed. Any trigger, sold by the original manufacturer of the revolver, without modification, may be used. The honing of the sear or sear notch in the hammer to make a more crisp trigger pull and smooth the action and/or to maintain the required minimum trigger pull is allowed.
Distinguished Pistol Match
Factory manufactured (catalogue item) center-fire semi-automatic pistol of .35 caliber or larger, including 9mm and 38 super. Barrel length not to exceed 5 inches (127 mm). Replacement barrels cannot be longer than the original.
Open sights, from any manufacturer are acceptable. Rear sights may be fixed or adjustable and fixed open front sights may not extend beyond the front of the slide, with maximum sight radius not more than 7.5 inches.
Trigger pull must not be less than 3 lbs. (1360 g) single action or for those of double action capability only.
150-shot event
Revolver 1500 - open class revolver, max. 6" barrel (calibre .32 or larger).
Pistol 1500 - open class pistol, max 6" (calibre 35 or larger)
60-shot events (the 60-shot course of fire is as for Match 5 from the 150-shot events)
Distinguished Pistol Match - "light-modified" standard pistol max 5" (calibre .35 or larger).
Distinguished Revolver Match - standard revolver max. 6" barrel, (calibre .38).
Open Match pistol or revolver, also electronic sights, red dots etc. (as far as allowed by law).
Course of fire
150 Shot course:
Revolver 1500 - open class revolver, max. 6" barrel (calibre .32 or larger).
Pistol 1500 - open class pistol, max 6" (calibre 35 or larger)
Stage 1 -7 yards 12 shots from the standing without support position. 20 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for second 6 shot string.
Stage 2 -15 yards double action 12 shots from the standing without support position. 20 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for second 6 shot string.
Stage 3 - 25 yards double action 6 shots kneeling 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 90 seconds, time starts with
loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings.
Stage 4 - 50 yards single or double action 6 shots sitting; 6 shots prone; 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 2 minutes and 45 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings.
Stage 5- 25 yards 2 stages of 12 shots each fired double action, standing without support position. 35 seconds for each 12. shot stage, time starting with loaded firearm in holster and including time to reload.
Stage 6 - 7 yards double action 12 shots from the standing without support position. 20 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for second 6 shot string.
Stage 7 -25 yards double action 6 shots kneeling; 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 90 seconds, time starts with
loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings.
Stage 8 - 50 yards single or double action 6 shots sitting; 6 shots prone; 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 2 minutes and 45 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings.
Stage 9 - 25 yards double action 6 shots from the standing without support position. 12 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster.
60 Shot course:
Distinguished Pistol Match - "light-modified" standard pistol max 5" (calibre .35 or larger).
Distinguished Revolver Match - standard revolver max. 6" barrel, (calibre .38).
Open Match pistol or revolver, also electronic sights, red dots etc. (as far as allowed by law).
Stage 1 - 7 yards double action 12 shots from the standing without support position. 20 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for second 6 shot string.
Stage 2 - 25 yards double action 6 shots kneeling; 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 90 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6
shot strings.
Stage 3 - 50 yards single or double action 6 shots sitting; 6 shots prone; 6 shots standing with support, left hand; 6 shots standing with support, right hand. 2 minutes and 45 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings.
Stage 4 - 25 yards double action 6 shots from the standing without support position. 12 seconds, time starts with loaded firearm in holster.
Grading High Master Master Grade Expert Grade Sharp Shooter Marksman
Max Score 1500 >1476 >1440 >1380 >1290 <1290